Endodontics in Cancun

Cancun Root Canal Treatment
Cancun Root Canal Treatment
Cancun Root Canal Treatment

Eliminate tooth pain with our endodontic specialist in Cancun

Do you have pain in any tooth or molar? You probably need a root canal

Endodontics or root canal treatment, dental treatment that involves removing the pulp from the tooth. The advantage is that it allows a tooth to be kept in the mouth in the long term. With new technology, these treatments are usually minimally invasive and painless for patients.
Root canals weaken the tooth and make it more prone to fractures. It is for this reason that it is often indicated to put a crown on top of the devitalized tooth after its reconstruction and thus prevent it from fracturing.

When might you need a Endodontics?

Performing a root canal is indicated when there is irreversible damage to the tooth, affecting the dental pulp. That is, to the soft tissues that contain blood vessels and nerves, located in the internal part of the dental pieces and covered by dentin and enamel.
When left unprotected, the inflammation and infection of the pulp tissue can cause pain and discomfort, which can vary in intensity and be constant or intermittent. Thus, the main symptoms that point to the need for root canal treatment are:

  • Discomfort when chewing food
  • Constant or intermittent pain, in varying intensities
  • Hypersensitivity to some foods
  • The appearance of a dental abscess
  • Nerve infection caused by tooth decay
  • Dental fractures, in some cases
  • Bacterial lesions on the root of the tooth
  • The darkening of the tonality of the piece
Cancun Root Canal Treatment

What to do after a Root Canal in Cancun

Cancun Root Canal Treatment
  • Avoid biting on the treated tooth until restoration is complete
  • Avoid chewing gum or hard things that stick to the tooth
  • Gentle brushing

When there is a tooth with great destruction or a very deep cavity, one of the options to try to preserve it is by internally cleaning and disinfecting the roots. Thus, the tooth can be reconstructed with an endopost and a crown to continue its aesthetic and masticatory function.
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