Dental Implants

The Dental implants offer an excellent solution for those who have lost one or more teeth, providing a permanent and natural-looking replacement option.
The process involves surgically placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which serves as a sturdy foundation for an artificial tooth or crown.
This innovative procedure not only restores the aesthetics of a smile but also improves oral functionality and overall oral health.
Dental Implants are a titanium structure (compatible with bone) that works as a support to place a piece or several structures (bridges or some other structures).
They are placed by day surgery, the implant goes into the jawbone or maxilla and serves as the base for a crown or bridge

Benefits of Dental Implants?

  • Return function and aesthetics
  • Replace lost teeth
  • Avoid the use of removable dentures
  • Get back your smile
  • Feels like natural teeth
  • Prevent bone loss

What is the process for placing a Dental Implant?

In the first consultation we perform x-rays and CT scans to assess the condition and quality of the bone
Subsequently, the implant placement appointment (surgery) is scheduled
You have to wait between 4 to 6 months to be able to place an abutment inside the same implant and a porcelain crown (tooth)

Request your consultation

Specialist in Dental Implants

Dr Omar García | Specialist in Smile Design and Implantology

At Cosmetica Dental Cancun

We will work with you to customize and plan your smile design and, together, achieve your aesthetic goals. We will also help you with any questions you may have and your underlying dental issues.
The timeline is planned to minimize the number of appointments and to ensure that your smile is completed in time for any special occasion you may have (wedding, engagement, wedding anniversary, graduation, etc.).
Before starting with a smile design, all diagnosed oral diseases should be treated.
Remember that no cases are the same, each smile design will be especially for you.

Dr. Omar Garcia

Dental Implant Specialist

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